Circular for Revised Budget for 2019-20 and Budget Estimates for 2020-21
Circular for Commissioning certificate format
Circular for Fixed Assets
Circular for Certificate to be furnished by a Government servant for drawal of House Rent Allowance in the month of April each year or whenever there is a change in the contents of the certificate
Circular for Bank Details
Circular for Investment of Development Fees - Department Share
Circular for Meeting of Principals Directors/Heads/Co-ordinators/In-Charge of the University Departments at Churchgate, Juhu & Pune Campuses on 21.9.2019 at 11.00 am.
Circular for Implementation of ICSSR Accounts
Circular for Meeting of Accountant on 11.7.2019 at 11.00 am
Circular for Constitue the Committee for the Budget Estimates Financial Year 2019-20 and Revised Budget Estimates 2019-20 onwards
Circular for Meeting of Accountant on 13.6.2019 at 11.00 am
Circular for Procedures to be Followed by All the Head of Departments/Directors/Principals
Circular to submit the various documents as per University Circular AC/Finance/2017-18/780 dated 27-3-2018 & Circular No. Ac/Finance/2017-18/781 dated 30-3-2018
Circular for Budget Estimates 2019-20 for One month since the Senate scheduled on 26-3-2019 could not be held
Circular for Audit Work
Circular for Closure of the Financial year 2018-19
Circular regarding Audit of Financial Year 2017-18 & 2018-19