
* What are the
basic rules of the library?
1. Return the borrowed books and other
materials on time.
2. Return what you borrowed in good
3. Keep track of your library card.
4. Do not lend your library to anyone it is
not transferable only you are allowed to use
* What are the
hours of the Library?
The library timings are;
Mon.- Fri. 8.30 am to 6.00pm
Sat.- 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Sundays and Bank holidays are closed.
* Where is the
Library located?
Main Library is located at New Marine Lines.
The branch library , Pune is located at
Karve Road, Pune.
The branch library is located in the Juhu
campus of SNDT Women’s University, Santacruz
(West), Mumbai 400 049
* What are the
issue/return timings in the Library?
Books can be issued any time from 8.30 to
5.45pm Mon. to Fri. & 10.00am to 4.45pm on
Saturday. Return counter is closed
between10.30 to 12.30 pm.
* Who can become
a member? / How do I get a library card?
Faculty, Students and researchers from SNDT
Women’s University, main, Pune and Juhu
campuses, educational Institutions
organizations are allowed to refer the
Library against fees & introduction letters
from their respective institutions.
An individual affiliated to corporate bodies
like industries, can use the Library as
Corporate Members.
Student/Researchers can also avail of only
reading room facility.
* Where else can
I use the library card?
The library card issued in Branch Library
can be used for reference only in libraries
other than where the student has
* How much does a
library card Cost?
Refer to library fee structure
* How many books
I can borrow and for how long?
Usually for students the book is issued for
4 days (2cards for UG & 3 cards for PG) and
1 book for overnight. For teaching
books are issued for 1 month (20 Books). For
Nonteaching staff books are issued for 15
days (2 cards) For External
Members 15 days
(1 card) For Read only Members no issue they
can only use reading room facility. Guest
Members can
issue books for current reading
* What if I
don't have the money to pay for my overdue
You can borrow the books only after you pay
the fine.
* What if I don't finish my book before it
is due back at the Library?
You can reissue the book again if there is
no demand from students.
* What if I
can't find my book to return it?
Inform the loss or misplacement immediately
at the circulation counter.
Then you will either you have to replace the
book or pay cost of the book plus 20%
replacement charges plus overdue fine.
* Do I have to
have my library card with me each time I
come to the Library?
Yes it is mandatory to carry you Library
card with you whenever you visit the
* How long is my
card good for?
For students it is usually the academic year
and for others it is mostly one year.
* What types of
documents are kept in the Reference
References collection mainly contains,
encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries,
directories, atlases, audio, video and some
rare collection.
* How can you
distinguish reference books from other
library collection?
Reference books are marked “R" on left-side
top corner on the front page of the book.
* Does the
Library have facilities to view video
Yes, video cassettes can be viewed in the
reference section from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 pm
on all working days except holidays,
Saturdays and Sundays. Please contact, In
charge Reference Section.
* Can we get the
reference books issued?
Reference books and journals are not issued
to faculty or students but they can Xerox
them, but books on current issue
cannot be
* Can we refer to
thesis/dissertations? And where they are
Yes students as well as all members are
allowed to refer them and it is placed in
reading room on the ground floor of the
* Is there a fine
for late return of books?
Yes, books returned after due date every
category of member is required to pay a fine
of RS 2/- per day. All members can
see their
late fee details on OPAC
* Where can I pay
library dues?
Library dues (late fees/Cost of the books)
can be paid in cash, at the Circulation
Counter in the reading room.
* I have lost a
book, what am I required to do?
Immediately inform to circulation in-charge
of the book as lost. The latest procurement
cost will be intimated to along with
replacement charges or you can replace the
book either the same edition or the latest
edition and only pay the
* How can you
help in visiting other important libraries?
The Library will issue you an introductory
letter that will help you to visit other
accessible to all Library members?
Yes, access to e-resources is provided to
our students/researchers/staff of SNDT as
well as external members of our library
they have to pay internet charges.
Charges are Rs.20/- per hour and if you want
to download the article then you have to
Rs.20/- for CD
* Can I connect
to the Library Catalog from home?
Yes. The Library has a web-based library
catalog available from our homepage by
selecting the Library Catalog
* How long can I keep materials and may I renew them?
Loan periods and renewal limits vary depending on the type of material:
Material |
Category |
Issue Days |
Renewal |
Books |
Students |
for 4 days & 1 for overnight |
3 times if
there is no
Demand |
Permanent |
20 books
for 1 month Teaching Staff |
No limit unless there is
a demand for book |
Teaching staff |
books for 1 month |
" |
Non- Teaching |
2 books for 15 days |
Members |
1 book for
15 days |
Magazines/Journal |
All Members |
Current readings only |
Videos /
DVDs |
All Members |
Current readings only |
Renew items by phone, by calling the
Circulation Desk or renew online through the
Web Catalog |