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Research Projects



  • Efficacy of Iron Biofortified Pearl Millet in Improving the Iron Status of Adolescents in India sponsored by Harvest Plus.


  • Consumption Pattern of Processed Foods among Households in Mumbai-sponsored by PFNDAI.

  • Dietary Contribution of Pearl Millet in Ahmednagar Dist.Maharashtra:Consumption and Effect of Traditional Processing on Mineral Bioavailability sponsored by Harvest Plus.

  • Iron and Zinc Status/Nutriture of women of reproductive age in Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra. Sponsored by Harvest Plus.


  • UGC-DSA Phase III

  • Tata Tea (Phase I) – Project Mahaseer – Antioxidative Effect & Health benefit of Tea

  • Tata Tea (Phase II) – Project Smiley: Green Tea Induced Fat Loss & Thermic Effect of Green Tea

  • Assessment of CLIFF, motorized rock climbing simulator, effective fitness equipment

  • Nutritional Evaluation of processed Neera from palms – sponsored by Dept of Biotechnology, Govt of India.

  • Capacity building on Street Foods, Safety and Quality –  sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,Govt of India (for 2 centres) Phase I and Phase II.

  • Anemia in Adolescent Tribal girls (Nandurbar dist,Maharashtra state) sponsored by UNICEF, Maharashtra

  • Nutrient intakes, nutritional status and feeding hygiene of urban slum infants sponsored by UNICEF, Maharashtra.

  • Fitness of Elderly Population in collaboration with IIT, Mumbai sponsored by Dept of Science and Technology.

  • Care practices of Tribal and Urban Slum children sponsored by Bhavishya Alliance.

  • Retention of Vitamin A in fortified edible oils sponsored by PFNDAI

  • Comparison of oil absorption by 3 food products in three oils sponsored by PFNDAI

  • Effect of oxygenated water on lipid peroxides and antioxidant nutrients in young adult females sponsored by Dhariwal Industries

  • Effect of Chilli Extract on Body Composition by Advanced Biotechnologies