Programme     Avishkar 2014

A photograph of Avishkar 2014 Winners with their guides and University authorities
Sitting (From L to R): Dr. Milind Bhitre (Pharmacy), Dr. Supriya Mahajan (Pharmacy), Hon. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Vasudha Kamat, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Vandana Chakrabarty, BCUD Director, Prof. Madhura Kesarkar and Prof. Reeta Sonawat (SVT)

Standing (From L to R): Divya Menon (Pharmacy), Aparna Chavan (Pharmacy), Vanita Saharan (PVP), Shilpa Vijayaraghavan (Pharmacy), Kalpana Dixit (Pharmacy) and Soumya Agrawal (SVT)
A proud moment for S. N. D. T. Women’s University:
The S. N. D. T. Women’s University bagged a trophy in ‘Pure Science’ Category in Avishkar 2014 Inter-University research competition.

In all, 6 students of S. N. D. T. Women’s University won Awards in different categories.

The details are as follows:

Pure Science Category:
  1. 1st Award: Ms. Shilpa Vijayaraghavan, Ph. D. Level, under the guidance of Dr. Supriya Mahajan, Principal (I/C), C. U. Shah College of Pharmacy

  2. 1st Award: Ms. Divya Menon, PG Level, under the guidance of Dr. Milind Bhitre, Associate Professor, C. U. Shah College of Pharmacy

  3. 2nd Award: Ms. Soumya Agrawal, PG Level, under the guidance of Dr. Reeta Sonawat, Human Development, SVT
Pharmacy & Medicine Category:
  1. 2nd Award: Ms. Aparna Chavan, Ph. D. Level, under the guidance of Dr. Supriya Mahajan, Principal (I/C), C. U. Shah College of Pharmacy

  2. 2nd Award: Mrs. Vanita Saharan, Teacher’s Level (PVP), under the guidance of Dr. Supriya Mahajan, Principal (I/C), C. U. Shah College of Pharmacy
Engineering & Technology Category:
  1. 1st Award: Ms. Kalpana Dixit, Ph. D. Level, under the guidance of Dr. Rajani Athawale, Associate Professor, C. U. Shah College of Pharmacy