Tenders |
1. |
e-Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Lift at Usha Mittal Institute
of Technology
2. |
Request for Quotation from Architect for "Renovation of Room no 119 as Seminar
Room and Renovation of Fashion Designing Lab" SVT College at SNDT women's
University, Juhu Campus
3. |
Invitation for Quotations for the Cleaning of the Nallas at Juhu Campus of
4. |
Invitation for Quotations for Purchase of N - Computing Devices, Monitors,
Keyboard and Mouse for Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic
5. |
Invitation for Quotations for Internet Lease Line at SNDT Women’s University
6. |
Request for Quotation for the Keyboards, Mouse & Monitors for the N computing
System for Department of Continuing
Adult Education & Extension Work, Pune
7. |
Request for Quotation for the Peripherals & Software for the N Computing System
for Department of Continuing
Adult Education & Extension Work, Pune Sub-centre
8. |
Request for Quotation for Renovate of Human Development Laboratory
9. |
Request for Quotation for Furniture of Human Development Laboratory
10. |
Request for Quotation for Vertical Deep Freezer for Human Development Laboratory
11. |
Request for Quotation for Study and Testing Unit for Human Development
12. |
Invitation for Quotations for Purchase of Control Room Video Capture Server with
Monitor Station
13. |
Invitation for Quotations for Purchase of Post Production Station Server
14. |
Invitation for Quotations for Purchase of Studio Ceiling Lights with Diffuser,
Barn Doors
15. |
Tender for Erection of Pandal of 67th Convocation
Corrigendum-I for Erection of Pandal of 67th Convocation
16. |
Quotaion Request Letter for Arcane Illusion 2018 Mandap/Pandal & Stage Setup at
UMIT, SNDT Women’s University
17. |
Air Conditioners Quotation for UMIT
18. |
e-Tender Document for Printing of Envelops and Various forms for SNDT Women’s
19. |
e-Tender Document for Packing and Distribution of Answerbooks for SNDT Women’s
20. |
e-Tender for e-Transfer of Question Papers for SNDT Women’s University
Revised Schedule on Extension - I for e-Tender No. 791, 792, 793