Sub Themes

Knowledge Generation through ICT
  • Social networking
  • ICT for collaborative learning
Skill development and productivity through education
  • Aspirations and expectations of students and employers
  • Skills for GenNext
  • Education for innovation
Education for all
  • Quality and Equality
  • Social transformation through education
Innovations in education and research
  • Teaching learning practices
  • Assessment and evaluation practices
  • Innovation in research
  • On demand education
1. Knowledge generation through ICT

ICT is often perceived as a catalyst for change; change in teaching styles, learning approaches and in access to information. Use of ICT has changed our conventional ways of teaching- learning and urges us to rethink about education in terms of the current context. ICT can be used to find, develop, analyze and present information, as well as to model situations and solve problems,motivate teachers and students and promote learner autonomy. Several models of successfully integrating ICT in different educational settings are being tested. Use of social media and social networking confer multidimensional advantages,reducing space and distance between communicators, time slot in message synchronization, besides contributing to knowledge generation. This session will focus on ICT for collaborative learning and explore challenges and impact of Social networking on knowledge generation and education.

2. Skill development and productivity through education

Globalization and advances in technology have led to changes in skill requirements. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi launching “Skill India” programmme in March 2015, several issues and areas need to be urgently addressed. Our educational system should create opportunities and develop the talents of the Indian youth. Tailor-made, need-based programmes that raise confidence, improve productivity and give direction through proper skill development is the need of the hour. Mentoring, training and developing new ideas into jobs will empower our youth to innovate. Joint laboratories with SMEs, spin-off companies, technology transfer, and incubationcentremay be some way-outs in this direction. This plenary session will deliberate on some of these issues and explore possible solutions for a skilled GenNext.

3. Education for all

Education has to take the responsibility of nurturing social, economic and religious pluralism in society using technology to open the doors for students to richer learning tools and more engaging techniques. Smart education provides new avenues with equal access for all to participate in schools, colleges, and universities. This era provides tremendous opportunities and challenges to transform India’s education system to educate more students, empower teachers and administrators, extend opportunities for adult learning and education with a lifelong learning approach, by collaborating closely with other sectors at national and global levels. This sub theme will address the need for equality and quality in education that is not merely narrow or limited to classroom experience but a holistic and experiential learning aimed at people-centric social transformation.

4. Sub Theme: Innovation in education and research

Innovation in education and research offers the basis for social growth and prosperity; it provides new perspectives on addressing various changing and upcoming challenges of society with great potential. Innovation is the feature of competitive education culture; it powers the energy of creativity in education, also gives an opportunity for the economic, social, and academic sectors to grow high dynamically. Young people are demanding quality which clearly, is characteristic of change and novelty. This session will provide platform for students to interact with experts in the field of education and ICT and deliberate on innovative teaching learning and evaluation practices.