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Extension Work

Students of Masters in Extension Education undertake weekly field work for the First year of their study. Department adopted Rameshnagar Slums in Andheri and worked with women and children during 2005 to 2011. This urban extension project reached out to to Diverse age groups like children, adolescent girls, women through extension activities. Numerous sessions on Nutrition, Health, Education, Right to Information, Vocational skills were carried out. A Six-month certificate programme in beauty culture with Rotary Club Green City, Mumbai was also conducted.

In 2015 teachers capacity building with the help of Rotary Club Green City Mumbai was undertaken in  Sunflower School at Jogeshwari- Mumbai. National Seminar and Exhibition on Swachh Mumbai- Segregation, Treatment, Recycle and disposal of solid waste was organised in collaboration with Rotary Club of Mumbai Green City, Indian Environment Association, Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association and Dept. of Resource Management at SNDTWU Juhu campus on 16-17 February 2018. The programme was attended by more than 170 people.

Department does numerous outreach activities connecting with diverse communities. Students academic assignments also are devised where community connect for varied purposes is undertaken.

Department collaborated with Department of Women & Child, Mumbai City, Unicef Maharashtra and Dongri Children's Home undertook "Personality & Skill Development (livelihood) certificate course of 30 hours for girls at the Dongri Children's home during September to December 2023.

  • Inauguration of Integrated Personality & Skill development (Livelihood) Certificate Course of 30 Hours  

  • Valedictory Ceremony of Personality & Skill development (Livelihood) Certificate Course of 30 Hours