For Ten Teachers |
1. |
Circular for Scrutiny of Nomination Forms for Election of Ten Teachers
to the Senate (U/S 28(2)(R) of M.P.U Act, 2016) and Declaration of
Validity of Nominations
For Three University Teachers |
1. |
Circular for Scrutiny of Nomination Forms for Election of Three
University Teachers to the Senate (U/S 28(2)(S) of M.P.U.Act, 2016) and
Declaration of Validity of Nominations
For Six Representatives of Managements |
1. |
Circular for Scrutiny of Nomination Forms for Election of Six
Representatives of Managements of Affiliated Colleges or Institutions to
the Senate (U/S 28(2)(P) of the M.P.U Act, 2016) and Declaration of
Validioty of Nominations
For Ten Principals |
1. |
Circular for Scrutiny of Nomination Forms for Election of Ten Principals
to the Senate (U/S 28(2)(O) of the M.P.U. Act 2016) And Declaration of
Validity of Nominations
For Two Teachers |
1. |
Circular for Scrutiny of Nomination Forms for Election of Two Teachers Representing Each Faculty to The Academic Council (U/S 32(3)(G) of M.P.U Act, 2016 and Declaration of Validity of Nominations |
For Three Heads of Departments From Affiliated Colleges and Recognized Institutions |
1. |
Circular for Scrutiny of Nomination forms for Election of Three Heads of Departments From Affiliated Colleges and Recognized Institutions to the Boards of Studies In the Concerned Subjects or Group of Subjects U/S 40(2)(C) of M.P.U Act, 2016 and the Declaration of Validity of Nominations |
For Ten Registered Graduates |
1. |
Scrutiny of Nomination forms for Election of Ten
Registered Graduates to the Senate, Under Section 28(2)(T) of the M.P.U
Act, 2016 and Declaration of Validity of Nominations |