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Engaging Children at Arushi - The Learning Centre

 The Lockdown CARE

In the present scenario of education created by COVID 19 pandemic, face to face learning is unimaginable for a long time to come. Children with Special Needs are adversely affected. They are used to a set routine and when that gets disrupted it causes a havoc. Parents find it extremely difficult to take care of their children with special needs during this lockdown while responding to so many other demands of the family.

In order to ensure that the children of Arushi- The Learning Centre (Unit of DSE, SNDT WU, Mumbai) continue their learning during the lockdown many activities are being planned to reach out to them using the school WhatsApp group and in some cases through email. The teachers plan academic and non-academic activities and with the support of the parents manage to implement them effectively. The parents are asked to post photos of their child's drawing and artwork, videos of all the activities performed on the school group. Some of these are shared on Facebook page also. The teachers continuously encourage and motivate the children and parents. The parents are very supportive and co-operate with this new way of online teaching. The teachers and therapists are constantly in touch with the parents through WhatsApp and phone and thus manage to engage the children productively and enhance their learning.

Worksheets (via email), educational apps, videos, YouTube links for many activities are sent to parents to use for teaching at home daily. Cooking recipes, art and craft activities like cutting using scissors, drawing, colouring, painting, all through pre-recorded videos are shared with parents to be followed by the children on day to day basis.Videos are shared with parents to explain to the children the lockdown situation and the importance of hygiene and staying home.

Just a glimpse of videos made by parents, teachers and children during lockdown:

Activities Arushi- The Learning Centre Department of Special Education SNDT Women's University


DSE – Lockdown Online Social activities : A Report  


Department of Special Education – Lockdown Online Social activities