About College
The SNDT College of Education(IASE) at the Pune campus of this University (Maharshi Karve Vidya Vihar) is a constituent college of the University. The college started as B.T. course in 1950-51 in the S.N.D.T. Arts College, Pune. In 1959 it got the status as a full-fledged section of B.Ed. with commencement of P.G. department in 1964. With U.G.C. grant for building construction both U.G. and P.G. department stepped into own separate building in 1973. In 1985 second floor was constructed with the matching grant of U.G.C..
Focus Areas
1. Constructivist teaching-learning
2. Creative thinking
3. Life skill education
4. Co-operative Learning
5. Brain based learning
Our college is a conducted college of SNDT University. It started as
B.T course as a department of Arts College but got full-fledged status in 1957
as a B.Ed course. Our college has always taken lead to introduce all the new
trends in education eg. Microteaching, Evaluation approach, Models of teaching,
Four pillars of education, constructivist approach to teaching learning.
It is a unique institute having college and P.G. Dept of education together in
same building and with same head. |

Our Goals
To make the B.Ed. course
• job-oriented
• life-oriented
• value-based
Vision Our institute would be an excellent teacher education institute for women teachers providing conducive environment of innovations and research and striving hard to develop empowered, creative and constructivistic women teachers for meeting the global challenges of future education.
Our Mission We are committed to women teachers' empowerment through constructivistic curriculum transaction. Further we are committed to develop women teachers inspired with universal values and sense of social commitment and well prepared to meet the changing socio-cultural needs of educational system.
Our Motto "Sanskrita
Stree Para Shakti"
"An Enlightened Woman is a Source of Infinite Strength"
Academic Achievements of the Institution 1984: M.Phil. in education started.
1985: Institute initiated B.Ed. vacation course.
1986: Training of all the staff members regarding models of teaching by, the eminent educationist Dr. Bruce Joyce.
1995: Curriculum reconstruction as per N.C.E.R.T. guidelines with addition of internship program at B.Ed. Level.
2000: Training of all the teaching staff members in Information and Communication Technology.
2003: Curriculum reconstruction with modular approach and inclusion of Information and Communication Technology as compulsory subject.
2004: Awarded B++ Grade by the NAAC, Bangalore.
2004: Upgraded to IASE status.
2006-07: Several in-service training programs and research projects by faculty and up-gradation of infrastructure under IASE grant
2010-11: Institution level research project on 'Constructivism in Teacher Education'.
2012: State level seminar on constructivism.
2013: National level workshop on cooperative learning under guidance of Mrs. Yael Sharan, Expert from Israel
2014-15: Revision of curriculum with addition of elective courses.
2014-15: State level workshop on 'Curriculum Transaction' for teacher educators from conducted and affiliated colleges of S.N.D.T.Women's University
2014-15: International confluence on 'Educational and Cultural Exchange' between student teachers of Telemark University, Norway and SNDT College of Education, Pune.
Work done as IASE After up-gradation as IASE following activities were conducted:
• Addition of several books and periodicals in library
• Addition of equipments and learning resources in the college
• Fourteen in service training programs for Teacher educators and Secondary school teachers were conducted by faculty
• Action researches conducted by each faculty
• Publication of fourteen training modules.
Principal of College
Dr. Nalini Patil
Courses :
• Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Teaching Faculty :
• Dr. Nalini Patil (Principal)
• Dr. Gautam Londhe (Associate Professor)
• Dr. Sangita Shirode (Associate Professor)
• Dr. Dattatreya Tapkeer (Assistant Professor)
• Dr. Usha More (Assistant Professor)
• Dr. Vijay Chavan (Assistant Professor)
• Smt. Sarika Bahirat (Assistant Professor)
• Smt. Varsha Varma (College Librarian)