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Sakshi Nanavati

Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the SNDT University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority for India since 1916. Today, as I pen my thoughts for this very special publication, I take immense pride in having completed my Master's Degree in Economics from this illustrious university.

The present socio- economic fabric of our nation is being enhanced by the significant contribution by women. The nation has matured to respect this contribution. Personally, as a woman, I consider this as the golden era to be living in India. There are opportunities to leverage and recognition of our capability. And while I bask in this glory, I am also conscious that this conducive environment that we are privy to is an outcome of unrelenting endeavours by numerous individuals and organisations.

I am a firm believer that education holds the key to Women Empowerment. There is no denial to the fact that there still exists certain pockets in our nation where families are reluctant to send their daughters outside their village/hometown for higher education. I see SNDT university playing a key role in this scenario. By making valuable education available in distant corners of our country, SNDT is strengthening the core strength of our nation. The learning environment provided by the university is exceptional. From campus infrastructure to student:teacher ratio; teaching methods, curriculum, talent nourishment to rich resource centre / library, all contribute towards a holistic learning journey for every student.

The core values of the university form the cornerstone of great institution. It's motto "An Enlightened Woman is a Source of Infinite Strength" is what makes SNDT India's most respected centre of education that has enabled generations to realise their optimal potential and achieve milestones in their professions.

I, for one, owe my professional success to this great university.

Sakshi Nanavati
Alumni 2011
PGSR Economics Department
SNDT University

Alumni 2011, PGSR Economics Department