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Independence 75@SNDT Programmes Details

SNDT Women's University & Quebec Government Office in Mumbai

Celebrating Independence: Perspectives From Near & Far

Independence 75@Sndt# Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav


SNDT Women's University & Québec Government office in Mumbai (BQM) are organising a year- long celebration of the 75th Independence Day under a series entitled Celebrating Independence: Perspective from Near and Far under Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav beginning 15th August, 2021. The event is an endeavour to celebrate the 75th year of India’s’ independence, by exploring the multiple interpretation of the idea of freedom and its significance from the perspectives of students, teachers, scholars from different geographies and disciplines using numerous mediums.  Under this banner, it has been decided to host an online programme on the second Saturday of every month by the different departments of SNDT Women’s University and its partnering institutions that involve participants from India and Quebec. The event is spearheaded by the Department of Political Science, SNDTWU. 

The partnering institutions as of now include:

  1. Department of political Science SNDTWU

  2. Department of Education, SNDTWU

  3. Department of English, SNDTWU

  4. Department of History, SNDTWU

  5. Department of Music. ( Mumbai & Pune) SNDTWU

  6. Department of Drawing & painting SNDTWU

  7. Department of Communication & Extension

  8. Loreto College, Kolkata

  9. Institute of Indian Culture, Mumbai

  10. Asia in Global Affairs, Kolkata

Following is the list of programmes scheduled for the next few months

No. Date Time Event Zomm Link
1 15-Aug-21 17H to 19H IST Inauguration of the year-long celebration https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81240643168?pwd=Yi9rbVFmT1N2MHIyc284LzcxRklEUT09

Meeting ID: 812 4064 3168
Passcode: 594397
2 11-Sep-21 17H to 19H IST Maritime Moments: Contribution to Nation Building   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81057897344?pwd=UmtzYWhCRklYMll6Tjc5bmhNcVNQZz09

Meeting ID: 810 5789 7344
Passcode: 155629
3 09-Oct-21 17H to 19H IST Where the Mind is without Fear : Songs of Freedom   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83568239451?pwd=c0hMaXdRK1ZGMU85MmdtclpIbkJCdz09

Meeting ID: 835 6823 9451
Passcode: 667827
4 13-Nov-21 17H to 19H IST Freedom, Fragmentation & Decolonization: Voices from the World of Literature   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82612202485?pwd=R0FTZDR1U0c2RjEzVlMvR01LeFdKZz09

Meeting ID: 826 1220 2485
Passcode: 072873
5 11-Dec-21 17H to 19H IST Voices from the Margin: Women in Freedom Movement   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81021374118?pwd=SDdYanNoK0xZVHd0eExhSHpFMjhuQT09

Meeting ID: 810 2137 4118
Passcode: 127840
6 22-Jan-22 17H to 19H IST India' Freedom Struggle: A Tryst with Destiny   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83007469727?pwd=bytEUjJhcFdoKzJsWEZTTm5XaG85UT09

Meeting ID: 830 0746 9727
Passcode: 198769
7 12-Feb-22 17.30 H to 19.30 H IST Webinar on 75 years of India's Independence & Gender issues   https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/
8 12-Mar-22 17.30 H onwards Webinar brochure on Federalism & Mutual Understanding  