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Rajat Mittal Shah

SNDT University has been the feature of my journey, like it has been for so many more before me. This year, as it completes its centennial year, one can only stand back and reflect at the number of lives it has touched, changed and empowered over the years and will continue to do for years to come. I owe much to this great institution that has, with great tenacity, through its reputed and passionate teachers, provided me with the foundation on which I have built my career. I am humbled today to get this rare opportunity to be part of such an important milestone for the university and for that I will be forever grateful.

The significance of education was instilled in my brain very early by my devoted parents - my mother who was never given the right opportunity herself and my father who was a self-made man. I knew I was privileged to get the opportunity myself, and I was determined to make the most of it. UMIT, SNDT University was my institution of choice and I cannot be more proud of myself to be worthy of its recognition. I believe that education is not about reaching a destination but rather is about the journey and the experiences we gain in the process.

Please join me in supporting this great institution in celebrating everything it has already achieved and for the even greater heights it will reach in years to come.

- Cheers,
Rajat Mittal Shah
(Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - Information Technology Branch, 2003).
Present Designation
Co-founder, Inknowledge, Inc.

Alumni 2003, UMIT  (I.T.), Co-founder, Inknowledge, Inc