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- Commonwealth of Learning (COL, Canada)
- British Council of India
- Oxford University Press, India
- Community Aided Sponsorship Programme (CASP)
- Universities abroad have signed an MOU with our University. DET has linkages with University of Regina, Wawasan Open University and Sampoorna Foundation, Jakarta, etc.
- As a part of this MOU, MA ET students can be selected as Project Trainees at this University during the final semester.
- The Department has so far developed huge eContent for organisations such as CASP, MKCL, CIET-NCERT, SIET, MHRD, etc.
- Collaboration with the Industries and Educational Organizations for Internship
- MA ET students will work as interns during their fourth semester. Some of the organizations, where our students may work as interns are Core Technologies, IITB, ZeeLearn, MET, LionsBridge, Aptech, IL&FS, etc.