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Mentor -Mentee

SNDTWU Mentor-Mentee Program

University institutes have vibrant and innovative ways of mentoring students. Commitment to student success is reflected in its mentorship programme aiming at academic development and personal growth. It is essential that students do not just have excellent knowledge and skills but also a larger understanding of society and their role in nation-building. The following practices are followed to assist the students and provide mentorship to them in this process.  

Orientation Programme:

Institutes have the practice of conducting an orientation programme for the freshers to make them feel comfortable and allow them to explore their academic interests, acclimatize to the changed environment, and bond with their peers, seniors, and teachers. This programme helps the students transition from college to the university environment and understand the policies, practices, culture, and value systems of the University.

Faculty Mentors:

Assigned mentors play an important role in providing the necessary handholding and scaffolding to help the students navigate through the programme. The mentors also provide emotional support and guidance by understanding the diverse needs of the students from various socio-cultural and economic backgrounds. The mentor interacts with the parents and guardians whenever needed and suggests the help of a counselor if required. Also, visits of psychologists are arranged by the university. The mentorship process is facilitated by a dedicated mentorship booklet, which serves as a tool for tracking the student's progress. Mentoring helps learners to overcome difficulties in learning, personal and social life leading to a stress-free learning environment. Institutes often receive appreciation notes from students.

Alumnae and Senior Student Mentors:

Seniors and alumnae are involved in the process of guidance related to dissertations, projects, and internships. They also help juniors to access study sources and material such as articles, magazines books, etc. This provides current students valuable insights and practical advice, bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world applications. Alumnae play a significant role in placements. Alumnae from their world of work approach institutions for further recruitment and prefer to place freshers from their own alma-mater. They groom them at the workplace.

Career Counselling:

Career counseling is provided to the students. Remedial coaching is arranged for some students to cope with the subjects. The mentor also works to find out the hidden talents of the students in various aspects of academic, co-curricular, extracurricular, and extramural activities towards their holistic development.