SNDT Women’s
1, Nathibai Thackersey Road
Mumbai 400020 |
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Year II
Centre for Distance Education
Examination Held in Mar/Apr 2018
27084, 27155, 27165, 27267, 27278, 27303,
27544, 27547, 27556, 27565,
27583, 27591, 27636, 37052, 37499
27020, 27023, 27042, 27046, 27051, 27052,
27062, 27067, 27068, 27070,
27072, 27075, 27087, 27088, 27089, 27095,
27099, 27107, 27132, 27133,
27152, 27153, 27156, 27158, 27159, 27160,
27166, 27173, 27184, 27185,
27194, 27195, 27196, 27197, 27205, 27212,
27213, 27261, 27263, 27264,
27265, 27266, 27268, 27283, 27301, 27304,
27316, 27321, 27322, 27326,
27328, 27342, 27347, 27348, 27378, 27393,
27405, 27409, 27410, 27416,
27423, 27425, 27427, 27428, 27429, 27441,
27442, 27456, 27468, 27472,
27473, 27474, 27493, 27494, 27503, 27524,
27531, 27538, 27539, 27540,
27541, 27543, 27545, 27546, 27548, 27551,
27554, 27555, 27557, 27558,
27560, 27564, 27566, 27567, 27568, 27569,
27570, 27571, 27572, 27573,
27574, 27575, 27577, 27581, 27582, 27584,
27585, 27586, 27592, 27600,
27604, 27607, 27608, 27610, 27611, 27612,
27613, 27615, 27616, 27617,
27622, 27624, 27625, 27637, 27639, 37182,
37222, 37248, 37268, 37294,
37325, 37564, 37689, 37711
27001, 27003, 27004, 27005, 27006, 27007,
27017, 27019, 27021, 27025,
27027, 27040, 27041, 27044, 27048, 27061,
27066, 27079, 27082, 27085,
27086, 27101, 27106, 27117, 27120, 27146,
27147, 27149, 27150, 27154,
27161, 27167, 27168, 27169, 27171, 27172,
27177, 27178, 27179, 27199,
27200, 27202, 27204, 27206, 27209, 27217,
27219, 27221, 27222, 27223,
27225, 27234, 27235, 27242, 27248, 27249,
27251, 27253, 27259, 27270,
27271, 27273, 27274, 27276, 27279, 27287,
27294, 27297, 27305, 27312,
27318, 27320, 27332, 27335, 27352, 27353,
27354, 27368, 27371, 27377,
27380, 27381, 27382, 27384, 27385, 27389,
27390, 27395, 27412, 27422,
27426, 27430, 27432, 27433, 27434, 27440,
27445, 27447, 27448, 27449,
27452, 27457, 27476, 27477, 27483, 27484,
27485, 27487, 27501, 27505,
27525, 27527, 27528, 27542, 27549, 27552,
27553, 27559, 27561, 27562,
27563, 27579, 27587, 27589, 27593, 27596,
27597, 27598, 27601, 27602,
27606, 27614, 27618, 27619, 27623, 27626,
27627, 27628, 27631, 27635,
27642, 28001, 29001, 29002, 29003, 37003,
37030, 37034, 37051, 37067,
37075, 37084, 37087, 37092, 37134, 37139,
37150, 37168, 37179, 37190,
37191, 37223, 37235, 37271, 37280, 37292,
37293, 37319, 37329, 37346,
37383, 37390, 37394, 37411, 37413, 37420,
37422, 37434, 37435, 37444,
37445, 37447, 37449, 37460, 37463, 37465,
37478, 37483, 37492, 37501,
37509, 37512, 37517, 37518, 37539, 37573,
37574, 37606, 37609, 37624,
37632, 37652, 37670, 37730
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Pariksha Bhavan,
SNDT Women's University
Mumbai 400049
Date: 17/05/2018 |
Dr. Subhash Waghmare
Director, Board of Examinations and
Evaluation |
Note: The last date of
receipt of application in the Parksha Bhavan
for the following:
1. Last date of applying for Photocopy :
2. Last date of applying for Verification:
3. Last date of applying for Revaluation: