SNDT Women’s
1, Nathibai Thackersey Road
Mumbai 400020 |
Bachelor of Science (Home Science) -
Semester IV
Examination Held in Nov 2017
A+ grade
A grade
50042, 50378, 50532, 50536, 50537, 50545,
50571, 50575, 50580, 50621,
50627, 50628, 50631
B+ grade
50064, 50132, 50186, 50219, 50231, 50257,
50263, 50267, 50287, 50343,
50355, 50376, 50379, 50383, 50394, 50406,
50420, 50609, 50611, 50615,
50625, 50635, 50647
B grade
40008, 40014, 50074, 50112, 50119, 50127,
50133, 50134, 50143, 50181,
50211, 50274, 50317, 50324, 50338, 50348,
50353, 50400, 50414, 50585,
C grade
30193, 40021, 40034, 40035, 40037, 40038,
50013, 50142, 50178, 50261,
50334, 50354, 50370, 50424, 50482, 50505,
50583, 50605
D grade
40006, 40013
P grade
50001, 50072, 50391
Pariksha Bhavan,
SNDT Women's University
Mumbai 400049
Date: 16/12/2017 |
Dr. Subhash Waghmare
Director, Board of Examinations and
Note: The last date of
receipt of application in the Parksha Bhavan
for the following:
1. Last date of applying for Photocopy :
2. Last date of applying for Verification:
3. Last date of applying for Revaluation: